Challenges of Outdoor Training

In the past we ran outdoor exercise classes.
It's actually how Evolution Health Services started.
6 years ago we quit our corporate jobs for the fun of fitness classes. Our services have evolved over time; we decided we wanted re-work our offerings so that we could offer our clients the best programs we could.

For mums, the outdoor classes were especially tough to get to.

Our biggest challenges included:
🤒 Sick kids - when the kids are sick, mums stay home and miss out. We had our own young son too but were lucky to have family support to help us
🌧️ Weather - Rainy days often meant training didn't go ahead.
⚠️ Safety - parks sometimes have glass and other safety hazards, as well as limited fencing so keeping the kids contained was fun. We got good at running after them when they took off (Hey Deb?!)
🏋️ Equipment - I would have to carry around so much gear in my car and make sure I had the right stuff and enough all the time.
🎡 Other events - If we used the park, we had to consider soccer/footy training and even when the Fisher's Ghost Festival would take over!

When Mums miss out on classes they lose momentum. I tried to send them workouts at home but that often added to my workload.

This is why I created Strong Mums as an online program. We still connect weekly for a class but
✔️ You can do it around sick kids (especially when you need to keep them home with every sniffle right now)
✔️ You are warm and dry inside
✔️ Your kids are safe and contained at home.
✔️ You have your own set of equipment at home
✔️ You don't need to drive, wear fancy active wear and the mute button means you don't disturb anyone else!

Wanna join us?

Our Strong Mums Program is designed by a Mum for Mums.
It's a simple and flexible program holistic health program without all the BS and plenty of real talk.
We encourage a gradual lifestyle change where you can focus on improving your health, one habit at a time.

Categories: : Exercise, Post Natal